WARNING: This section has not been updated for external use

1. Logging in

You need to log in to MISO LIMS in order to make changes to any LIMS entities. Logging in lets MISO record any changes you make on entities you have access to.

If you are a new user and have not been given a username and password, you will first need to contact your MISO administrator to get a username and password.

Try to log in now:

  1. Click on https://misodev.pmgenomics.ca.
  2. Enter your username (e.g. jdoe) and password and click the Login button.

If all goes well, you should see the MISO Dashboard and see a message at the top right: "Logged in as: jdoe".

In order to perform the tasks in this section you must be a MISO admin. Email IT, CC Morgan Taschuk and request to be added to the MISO_ROLE_ADMIN Active Directory group.


2. Adding Users

OICR uses Active Directory authentication for MISO. Users must be added by IT; once added, they can then log in to MISO using their email credentials.

  1. Please email ithelpdesk@oicr.on.ca and CC Morgan Taschuk to request that the user be added to MISO LIMS by making them part of the following Active Directory groups:
    • If the person is to be added as an admin: MISO_ROLE_ADMIN and MISO_ROLE_INTERNAL groups.
    • If the person is not to be given admin access: MISO_ROLE_INTERNAL group.


3. Adding new instruments

New sequencing machines must be added to MISO so that MISO can be made aware of the runs that use them.

3.1 Add a new model of sequencer

If MISO does not yet have this type of sequencer in the database, you will need to contact your MISO administrator to put the new model into MISO before you can add a new sequencer of that model.

  1. Please contact your MISO administrator to add the new sequencer model to MISO. Include the following information:
    • Sequencer manufacturer (Platform)
    • Model
    • Standard read lengths you anticipate using for sequencing (e.g. 1x250, 2x126)

3.1 Add a new sequencer

  1. Click Instruments in the Instrument Runs section of the menu on the left.
  2. Ensure that the Sequencer tab is selected.
  3. Click the Add link in the top left corner.
  4. Fill in the fields of the new row that is inserted at the top of the table:
    • Instrument Name: enter the instrument name (case-sensitive)
    • Platform: select a platform from the dropdown menu
    • Serial Number: enter the serial number (case-sensitive)
    • Date Commissioned: enter the date that the instrument was first put into use
  5. Click Add to save the new sequencer.

3.2 Set up MISO to be aware of aware of the sequencer's output

  1. Please contact your MISO administrator. Give the name of the new sequencing machine and indicate that you would like them to add the sequencing machine's output folder to Run Scanner's configuration file.


4. Creating project and monthly reports

If you require a report, please contact your MISO administrator for assistance.

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